MS Office

Course Plan

Objectives: To offer students a learning environment where they can practice their theoretical knowledge and develop professional attitude

Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of the course the trainees will be able to:

  • To maintain high standards of professional conduct and ethics by all its members and students.
  • Improve communication, interpersonal, presentation, analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Respond effectively to changing circumstances
  • Apply collaboration, cooperation and teamwork spirit
  • Identify cultural and language differences
  • Develop active listening and effective interviewing techniques
  • Apply consultative and negotiation skills to reach solutions and agreements.
  • Explain Computer hardware, software and operating systems
  • Discuss Core Windows Tasks
  • Use file, insert, layout, review and view options in the excel, word and power Point menu bar
  • Construct formulae using functions, cell references, constants and operators
  • Use appropriate features to create customized data table formats
  • Use the Conditional formatting using rules manager
  • Perform the steps to protect certain cells, individual worksheets and an entire workbook
  • Use various Word features to present letters, reports and other documents in a presentable custom style
  • Use Mail Merge feature to create letters, envelopes, directory etc.
  • Insert and modify bibliography, endnotes, footnotes, captions, comments and cross references
  • Use slideshow, transitions and animation option in PowerPoint
  • Use appropriate features to insert and edit pictures, videos, charts/graphs and other objects
  • Use printing Notes Pages, Handouts and Slides for PowerPoint.

Syllabus Content:

  1. Professional Skepticism and Professional Judgments
  2. Personal and organizational biases.
  3. Critical thinking skill
  4. Significance of Interpersonal and Communication Skills at workplace
  5. Self-esteem enhancement techniques while communicating.
  6. Emotional intelligence ( EI )
  7. Intercultural differences
  8. Conflict and Negotiation/ Consultative skills
  9. Time management skills
  10. Collaboration, cooperation and teamwork
  11. Monologue vs dialogue
  12. Professional Values and Ethics
  13. Listening skill
  14. The art of persuasion
  15. Effective presentations

MS Office:

  1. Computer Fundamentals plus keyboard Shortcuts
  2. MS-Word
  3. MS-Excel
  4. MS-Power Point