CImA Course Fee

The following fees will be applicable with immediate effect and are subject to change without written notice

  No. of Papers Payable to
Payable to
Registration Fee
(one time)
  75 8,000
Certificate Level
(per paper)
5 53 10,000
Operational Level
(per paper)
3 70 15,000
Case Study 115 15,000
SKANS Fee Package (4 papers) 50,000
Managerial Level
(per paper)
3 70 16,000
Case Study 115 16,000
SKANS Fee Package (4 papers) 55,000
Strategic Level
(per paper)
3 115 18,000
Case Study 175 18,000
SKANS Fee Package (4 papers) 60,000
Annual Subscription Fee   106  
 * Fees are subject to change without prior notice

CImA Gateway Assessment Exams


Payable to CImA–UK(£)


Payable to SKANS(Rs.)

Management Accountants Gateway 115 (Applicable from 1st Attempt) Fast track Route for ACMA 64,000
Masters Gateway Assessment 115 (Applicable from 2ND Attempt) Fast Track Route for MBA/ACCA 64,000
Professional Gateway Assessment 115 (Applicable from 2ND Attempt) Fast track Route for ACCA Affiliates and Members 64,000
  • All papers of the Certificate Level have to be attempted as Computer Based Assessments (CBA).
  • All the remaining papers of the Managerial, Operational and Strategic Level have to be attempted as written examinations in May or November session.


Students can claim exemptions from the CImA papers on the basis of their previous academic qualifications, the details of which are available at the respective campus.

Exemption Fees £
Certificate Level (per paper) 50
Operational Level (per paper) 84
Managerial Level (per paper) 84
Strategic Level (per paper) 90